Monday, April 7, 2008

Jude's 3 month milestone kicked off with both weight gain and loss of hair. I thought such occurrences were slightly premature and my first instinct was to check if Rogaine makes products for babies, but my pediatrician (and Grandma Sus) reassured me it's quite normal for little ones to shed their birth hairs to make way for thicker locks.
Although he's far from sleeping through the night (sigh), at least Jude's nap times are a bit more predicable, allowing me some alone time without tip-toeing around, fretting that I'll inadvertently wake him from a ten-minute cat nap. While some sources recommend letting Jude "cry it out" by three months, I honestly can't see myself or Matt doing that anytime soon.
At three months, Jude's drooling has spiraled out of control; he's surpassed Pedro salivating over wild chickens. Part of the problem, I've discovered, is that bumpy ridges have over-run Jude's previously slippery smooth gums. In other words, he's starting to teethe. Not to say he'll pop a pearly white anytime in the near future, but it certainly is a beginning. Often, I'll apply pressure to his gums in the midst of a crying fit and he'll settle down considerably.
It's really cute how he's discovered his thumb and enjoys sucking it, although he hasn't mastered curling his fingers into a fist. Instead, mid-suck he'll panic as his fanned-out fingers cover his nose like octopus tentacles cutting off all oxygen.
I adore Jude's infectious laugh. He'll cackle to himself, bringing his chubby arms to his chest as he then releases a loud giggle in response to bright colors or, most frequently, when Matt coos, "You da most beautiful scooby in all da world!"
Speaking of his father, Jude looks more and more like Matt as time goes by. First it was his eye-color and "crying face", and now I have trouble discerning any "Pralle" in him! Indeed, at times it infuriates me since I was the one who got fat being pregnant and who popped him out. At least Matt is a handsome guy...

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