Monday, July 28, 2008

Excerpt from an email I sent to my pregnant cousin:

Anyhow, here's a few things I came up with that are musts for the new babe (any name ideas, by the way?):

swing- there's great Fischer Price ones with different sound settings, etc. Jude used to sit in his for ages when he was first born otherwise he'd scream.

changing table/bureau- makes life so much easier to have everything together when changing diapers, dressing, etc.

MacLaren stroller- very compact, reliable and great for the city. Make sure you get one that's good for infants, toddlers, etc. Get a rain covering too.

glass bottles-plastic ones have been found to contain a harmful chemical (BHP), released when heated....we only buy glass now and have yet (knock on wood) to break

Infant Bath- we'll give you ours, however, ask for the Johnson & Johnson bath set that comes with a purple lavender sleepy bubble-bath, q-tips, lotion and shampoo.

Diapers- you'll go through tons and they're pretty expensive

gift cards to restaurants- I was so exhausted the first month, as was Matt, that we never cooked and as a result ordered in a lot. I wish we'd had gift cards.

Wait on a breastpump....see if you're going to breastfeed then after a month or so get one. I tried using one before my milk came in and it was soooo painful!

Pack 'n play- it's a portable playpen. Comes with a changing table and a mobile. Good if you're going anywhere.

First Aid Kit with Milicon (for gas), baby nail clippers, baby tylenol, thermometer, etc.

Dreft- a detergent that is made just for babies clothes. Really gentle on their skin.

MANY passifiers and the strings that attach the binky to the baby's clothes.

Nursing bras and nursing pads....otherwise, you'll lactate through your shirt which is definitely not sexy. They have great nursing bras at Target.

Diaper Geenie- otherwise, the diapers will stink up your apt.

Baby Bjorn- so great and it calmed Jude a lot. Plus, you have your hands free.

clothes- duh.

The irony of course is that the smaller the child, the more things they require!

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